Sunday, May 5, 2019

Testing in American Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Testing in American Schools - Essay ExampleYet, Americas education clay is in the luxurious position of being able to have it both routes. While we are in the process of overhauling our system, we should institute a set of well-rounded requirements that take their rightful place next to interrogatory.Supporters of testing as the primary measurement of a students progress state that testing is the most efficient way to measure the students strengths and weaknesses. Rod Paige, former Secretary of Education, reported that mandatory testing under the No barbarian Left Behind (NCLB) act has resulted in improved student performance and a narrowing of the banquet between minorities and whites (2). Mandated testing has held schools responsible for their performance and has resulted in greater accountability within the system (Paige, 1). By pointing out the weaknesses through testing, America can improve, ...accountability and teacher quality, thereby improving the quality, inclusivity, fairness and justice of American education (Paige 2).Opponents of the NCLB act state that testing is an unreliable and one-dimensional picture of a students total educational accomplishments.

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