Monday, September 30, 2019

Socioeconomic Status Ses Health And Social Care Essay

Socioeconomic position ( SES ) has been studied and proven to hold a direct consequence on general wellness and well-being but what consequence does SES hold on mental wellness? The effects of SES on mental wellness results were outlined in subdivisions of a survey called Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Challenge of the Gradient ( SESSH ) . The SESSH survey states â€Å" Persons higher in the societal hierarchy typically enjoy better wellness than do those below ( Alder et. al 1994 ) , this includes mental wellness and it ‘s all of its related diseases. Several other surveies such as the Childhood Socioeconomic Status Is Associated with Psychosocial Resources in African Americans: The Pittsburgh Healthy Heart Project ( Beatty et. al 2011 ) , conducted by the University of Pittsburg aid to confirm the findings from the SESSH survey done several old ages before. One of the major effects of lower SES position on mental wellness is the deficiency of entree to mental wellness attention. Whether urban or rural the hapless have more trouble in deriving entree to decently trained medical forces and installations to cover with the jobs sing the mental wellness ( Grembowski et. al 2002 ) . The paper, Rural Communities Suffer Poor Mental Health Care ( Association of Schools of Public Health 1974 ) highlights some of the issues unique to the rural hapless in America and the mental wellness issues that surround the community. The current research shows that SES plays a major function in the mental wellness of patients. Major emphasis factors from the effects of lower SES get down to take its toll on the mental wellness of persons populating in high poorness countries ( Leventhal et. al 2003 ) . In the survey Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Challenge of the Gradient it states the â€Å" Socioeconomic position is related to both major depression and depressive symptoms † ( Alder et. al 1994 ) and to an addition of ill will and anti-social activity and suicidal behaviours. ( Alder et. al 1994 ) . SES besides leads to an addition in psychological emphasis that can finally trip greater perceptual experiences of emphasis and negative emotion. These perceptual experiences are known to change neuroendocrine response and assorted other physiological alterations ( Alder et. al 1994 ) . The deficiency of entree to proper mental wellness attention is a major factor in the long term wellness results of tho se in lower SES groups ( Grembowski et. al 2002 ) . Further back uping the survey Socioeconomic Status and Health: The Challenge of the Gradient, the survey Childhood Socioeconomic Status Is Associated with Psychosocial Resources in African Americans, shows that SES is non merely a factor in finding mental wellness but besides has an consequence on the ability to entree the household and community support in early childhood might hold played a possible mitigating factor ( Beatty et. al 2011 ) . The survey shows, that in African American topics, the intercession of positive household and community involvement early in childhood could positively impact subsequently psychological wellness but that lower SES general prohibits the positive household and community support demand to antagonize the degrees of emphasis and hapless self-perception in lower SES persons ( Beatty et. al 2011 ) . The article, Traveling to Opportunity: an Experimental Study of Neighborhood Effects on Mental Health, farther address the thoughts that community and poo rness, cardinal facets of SES, have on mental wellness results ( Leventhal et. al 2003 ) . Families that moved from lower SES position vicinities to higher 1s had a lessening in the presence and badness of depression and other psychological issues ( Leventhal et. al 2003 ) . The articles, through the usage of studies and long term patient surveies, are able to demo the direct effects of lower SES on psychological wellness. The information shows that long term exposure to the emphasis of lower SES leads to several types of psychological upset including depression, feelings of lower dignity and assorted other clinical issues including terrible alcohol addiction and drug dependence ( Alder et. al 1994 ) . The surveies did an first-class occupation of showcasing the issues affect lower SES groups but could hold been more convincing in their methodological analysiss. The information from the research validates the fact of lower SES straight affect psychological wellness but fail to take into history several variables which would let for incredulity. Each of the articles fails to turn to whether the psychological issues are straight linked to lower SES from the deficiency of instruction of approximately positive life style picks and deficiency of instruction a bout entree to wellness attention, is the higher incidents of mental unwellness merely because the hapless have less instruction on healthy life styles and how to seek intervention. The consequences could be strengthened by utilizing greater cross subdivisions of the lower SES communities, over longer periods of clip and supplying basic instruction on how to entree intervention to see if mental wellness issues are genuinely related to SES or if there are other factors that contribute. With the exclusion of Traveling to Opportunity: an Experimental Study of Neighborhood Effects on Mental Health, none of the surveies attempted to see if the conditions were reversible by taking the topics form the lower SES environment. If remotion of the topic from the environment produces clear positive consequences in a big survey group you could more easy find that SES is a clear factor in the patients ‘ wellness.

Explain the ethical significance of the Sermon Essay

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the key sections of the New Testament, in which Jesus builds upon the Decalogue to form the first blueprint of Christian ethics. Jesus was preaching in direct contrast to the Greek philosophy of stoicism, which sought to separate man from his emotions. Emotions, especially love, feature heavily in the Sermon on the Mount. It remains ethically relevant over 2000 years later for many reasons, the first of which is the underlying principles behind it. Jesus did not come to abolish Old Testament law, but to fulfil it. The Jews were trapped in a system of harsh legalism, where obedience was motivated by fear rather than love. The Pharisees made a grand display of holiness by keeping the law, but the Sermon on the Mount teaches that their hearts were empty. Jesus built on the Ten Commandments to create a system ruled by mercy, love and dedication to God. Even if the culture changes the basic ethical principles behind the sermon do not change. It is a moral code that focusses as much on inward moral disposition as it does our external actions: Jenkins wrote, â€Å"inner attention and attitude is crucial. † Even if a typically good action is performed with sinful thought then it becomes immoral. The most important thing to realise about the Sermon on the Mount is that it is impossible for anyone to keep it completely, as it demands perfection. Although they will never be free from sin in this life, Christians use the sermon in order to try and become more like Jesus, who was perfect. The Sermon is all about Christian sanctification. Jesus speaks not only on what Christians should do to be moral, but he also explains why it is important to be ethical in the first place. He states that Christians are the salt and light of the world. Salt is significant because it represents purity, preservation and flavour. Therefore we understand that Christians should maintain a good ethical code in order to set an example to society and to preserve it from total corruption. The image of the light is also key: in the Bible light always symbolises joy and blessing. A light is visible to all, and so the Christian should seek to make Christ visible to all through their actions. A light is also a warning, representing the Christian’s duty to lovingly warn their fellow-men about their sin. Further on in the Sermon Jesus admonishes that, â€Å"If the light then within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! † Furthermore, the Sermon on the Mount gives many specific examples of Christian ethics, the first of which is regarding murder. Jesus equates anger to murder, and speaks of the fires of hell. This is contrary to the contemporary universalist view of Jesus and his death which has led some scholars to claim that when he speaks of hell it is merely metaphorical. Regardless, Jesus is affirming that you cannot be right with God until you are right with your fellow men, which all relates to the salt-and-light reputation of a Christian. Jesus also teaches about adultery and sexual morality. Again he equates the inward sin of lust to the outward sin of adultery. He also declares that marrying a divorced woman counts as adultery, a part of the Sermon that even Christians have begun to disregard. This is contrary to the Old Testament where Moses permitted – but did not command – divorce due to the hard heartedness of the people. The close relationship between a husband and wife mirrors the relationship Christ shares with his Church, which is why sex features so highly in Christian ethics. Love, when fully understood. Is opening oneself to another completely and can succeed only where trust and fidelity are present. Subsequently, another part of the Sermon on the Mount that is ethically significant would be where Jesus deals with how we should relate to other people. The standards set by Jesus are so high it is easy for Christians to look down upon those that are struggling. Jesus, ever a carpenter’s son, uses the metaphor of the speck in your brother’s eye and the plank in your own. We are all sinners and it would be highly hypocritical to judge another when we are also flawed. We never know the whole story about someone and it is impossible to be impartial in our judgement. The Jews were familiar with the concept of loving your neighbour and not judging him, but they did not feel the same about their enemies. Jesus commanded us to show agape love towards our enemies. Such love does not naturally come from the heart, but is instead must be put into action through one’s own will. As Jesus was merciful and forgiving to sinners, so we should be. This is vital to Christian ethics. Another ethical aspect of how we relate to other people is how we treat those who are poorer than us. It is not enough to simply preach to them, but we must take care of their physical needs as well as spiritual. Jesus said, â€Å"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. † Charitable giving was a fundamental part of Jewish life, but Jesus added another element: it was only ethical if done with the correct motivation. The Greek word translated as hypocrite in the Bible literally means ‘actor’. This is why Jesus commands us to give in secret, lest we become boastful. Moreover, there is a definite eschatological aspect to the Sermon on the Mount as it draws to a conclusion. This emphasises to the Christian how their ethics are eternally significant and will be considered on the Day of Judgement. Jesus states that few will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that not all that profess to believe in him as Lord will be saved. He warns of false prophets who will come in sheep’s clothing; in this situation the ethics presented in the Sermon on the Mount are vital so a Christian can identify who is a true believer. We are not saved by works, but they are an important part of our Christian identity. The Sermon on the Mount also has certain evangelical tones throughout. It shows the unbeliever what is required of them if they follow Jesus, and the severe consequences if they do not. Spurgeon wrote of this passage, â€Å"The shepherd best discerns his own sheep, and the Lord, Himself alone knows infallibly them who are His. † To conclude, there are conflicting theories regarding the nature of the Sermon – certain theologians such as Calvin believe it is a compilation of many separate sermons. Others debate technical details, such as whether it was preached on a mount or a plain. However, something that every Christian will agree on is that the Sermon on the Mount is of the upmost important as a foundation for Christian ethics. Stott said, â€Å"The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the teaching of Jesus, thought arguably it is the least understood, and certainly it is the least obeyed. †

Speech against Animal Testing

Now ladies and gentlemen, I would like you guys to have a think about this, without animal research, how long would it take for us to have a breakthrough in order for us to survive through small pox, rabies, malaria or any other severe diseases that had occurred in the past. If it weren’t for animal testing, we wouldn’t be all sitting here, enjoying our lives. Thank you all for listening. 0 In the case of using primates in animal testing, the National Research and Medical Research Council has stated, ‘Some biomedical research is best undertaken on primates in order to allow the greatest relevance to understanding health and disease in humans. ’ A PHD student from the University of Sydney, Swetha Murali, is working in a neuropharmacology lab researching about the development of novel therapeutics for treating chronic pain. Murali also raised a number of concerns and argued, ‘The first three are not alternatives at all. These animal dealers must be lice nsed by the United States Department of Agriculture and must adhere to Animal Welfare Act standards of care. Both dealers and research facilities can obtain dogs and cats only from specified sources and must comply with detailed record-keeping and waiting-period requirements. In addition, the United States Department of Agriculture conduct surprising inspections of dealers and research facilities for agreement to help ensure research animals are not missing pets. ’ 6They don’t actually lead to the development of novel treatments, just a better understanding of the efficacy of existing ones. Meanwhile the last two are already commonly used in most labs, but prior to and in conjunction with work and animals. ’ Murali has also stated that ‘and as powerful as modern computers are, there’s still simply no comparison – the idea of successfully simulating the complexity present in organism- level biological systems is a pipe dream at present. â€⠄¢ 9 My third point would be that there is no suitable and reliable substitution to animal testing.It has been reported that there are situations, where there are no viable alternatives to animal testing in order to enlarge the research of treatments to assist human beings from suffering a wide range of diseases. This has been brought up by the National Health and Medical Research Council which stated, ‘Animal experimentation remains crucial to a proportion of the funded research design to find better ways of preventing, treating and curing human diseases, and there are many situations where no alternatives exist. 7 The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science stated that, ‘While some research requires that dogs and cats are used, the vast majority of laboratory animals are rodents specifically bred for research. Nearly half of the dogs and cats needed for research are also bred for that purpose. Since state laws and local policies prevent many animal pounds an d shelters from providing dogs and cats to research facilities, animal dealers are the primary source for the other half of the animals scientists require. ’ 5Good morning teachers and fellow classmates. Today I will be presenting my point of view towards the issue of animals being used in testing and research. Animals such as mice, rats and primates are used in the further research for the sake of us human beings, either health or cosmetic wise, and also tested on animals to make sure they have no life-threatening side effects. This act has being carried out for years, and to abolish it now would be a real shame and it’ll bring an end to the further advancement of human health. I assume that most of you guys think that animal testing will involve big needles injecting into those little cute, furry rodents. But I assure you, it’s not. It has been stated that the procedure throughout the whole testing will keep the animals’ distress to a minimal. Also the people who are involved in this project are all animal lovers, which mean that they aren’t doing this for enjoyment, but for the health of the greater well. As they say ‘Good science and good animal welfare go hand in hand’. In the UK, the experiments that were carried out have been classified as mild, moderate or substantial. In December 2001, licensed experiments that happened in the UK were: 39% mild, 55% moderate, 2% substantial and 4% that are unclassified. Judging from these statistics, it is shown that very few experiments have caused substantial suffering to the animals tested. This also leads to my second point. Many of these animals that were killed in animal testing were specifically bred for this purpose. 3These animals would not have been alive at all if they weren’t needed for animal testing. Also keep in mind that they were bred under humane conditions, which means, they had the right amount of nutrition to be healthy and also in an environm ent that were close to home for them. In certain parts of the world, purposely-bred animals were not available, and in these cases, animals that were used must be obtained through licensed and regulated dealers that meet standard criteria where it was suitable laboratory research. 4

In-class Internet Use and Grades Essay

The use of internet in a classroom has provided only a few visible advantages to the students: search immediate answers to questions asked by the instructor, and familiarity with the use of technology, which may be used by them in the later stages of their professional career. However, an in-class internet use has several adverse consequences, including, distraction to oneself, neighboring students as well as the instructor, and abuse of internet technology when the students watch porn, or indulge in chatting, whereas their attention should be on the valuable focused content being taught by an experienced professor. Based on the findings from University of Colorado in Boulder, Fischman (2009) reported that a professor was instrumental in reducing the use of laptops in her classroom when she proved to the students that their grades were lower when they used the laptops in the classroom, while the grades were much higher when they stopped using the laptops in the classroom. Fischman highlighted that the internet connectivity of classrooms was a major problem all over the country since the students distract others by watching movies in the classroom. As a result, several universities had banned the use of laptops in the classrooms, while some had declared laptop-free zones. Anderson (2006) summarized the shocking results of a survey conducted by Michigan State University, which revealed that 20% of students using excessive internet, had either withdrawn from a course, or had shown lower grades; in comparison to only 8. 5% students with alcohol abuse problems, who had shown poor academic performance. Timmer (2009) claimed that in-class internet use spoils discipline in a leaning environment since the students from US Military Academy at West Point were distracted when they indulged in internet chatting. Thus, it can be concluded that in-class internet use is more of a bane than a boon for the inquisitive students as well as the experienced instructors. References Anderson, N. (September 20, 2006). Internet replaces Jack Daniel’s as â€Å"Best excuse for a C Average. † Ars Technica. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://digg. com/d12unJ Fischman, J. (March 16, 2009). Students stop surfing after being shown how in-class laptop use lowers test scores. Wired Campus. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://chronicle. com/wiredcampus/article/3662/when-shown-how-in-class-laptop-use-lowers-test-scores-students-stop-surfing Timmer, J. (March 16, 2009). In-class laptop use sparks backlash, possibly lower grades. Ars Technica. Retrieved April 21, 2009, from http://arstechnica. com/science/news/2009/03/in-class-laptop-use-may-be-sparking-a-backlash. ars

How Is Science Combating Food Shortages in Africa Essay

Africa has been fighting a constant battle against starvation for decades. What with an uncontrollably growing population and harsh dry climate, its no wonder that not only Africa, but the world could be in for a big crisis: the lack of food. With over 7 billion people in this world to feed, one billion in Africa, its a wonder that our planet can support this mass population, and the situation is going to get much worse unless there is a solution as to how the shortage of food can be fixed. Since the 1970’s, scientists have experimented with Genetically Modified foods (GM foods). That means that they’ve changed the organisms, and the DNA, in order to enhance some aspects of the food or fix any possible faults. So far, GM organisms have proved to increase food production, which is a relevant and effective solution. This solution has indeed raised arguments, creating economical, ethical and societal implications. Genetically modified foods could be the solution to save Africa from the endless starvation and malnourishment. It offers something completely new; it is a biotechnical solution that is different to any other option considered to aid those suffering from the lack of food in Africa. GM crops grow faster, produce much more, need less time and less labor. It would be a permanent solution. Unlike transferring food across the oceans in order to give aid, GM foods would be able to be produced in the countries that actually will need and use them, instead of relying on other wealthier nations to bring it to them. This would also teach these less developed countries how to manage on their own, and not being supported or aided by the more economically developed countries. Even more positive aspects of this solution are, that these GM crops have longer shelf-life, meaning that they do not have to be consumed immediately, but they can be stored for longer. Furthermore; they don’t require as many natural resources and materials as normal crops, which is good cause Africa itself doesn’t offer that many, which is one of the reasons as to why it’s in the situation that it is in right now. This would give an exceptional amount of aid and hope to the people of Africa as it would fix one major issue that has been developing throughout the years, and help them defeat other problems that their nations are facing. However, there are always downsides to these new inventions. Firstly, GM foods haven’t been in the know for long enough to know if they have any side affects that humans should be concerned of. Many people resist the idea of genetical modification because of this uncertainty. The foods and crops could always trigger allergic reactions, which might be fatal in nations that offer poor medical aid, or any health impacts for humans and even animals. However, the certainty that these problems exist is only an assumption. For as far we know, there might be no bad consequences or effects that GMO’s might bring. Another issue is how this will work in the nations of Africa. The leaders of the nations might decide that this is an uncertain and doubtful solution, that might only bring harm to their countries. Or some nations might fear change, even if it could help the starvation issues that they’re struggling with. The only thing that the developed nations could do in this case, would be to try and negotiate as to how this solution can help them, not only temporarily but in the long run as well. Also, it will be a very cheap solution, which will be a major attraction to many nation as their economical situations aren’t that great. Furthermore, the annual cost of individuals having to purchase the genetically modified seeds will be an issue, as the continent is generally very poor. The effect of growing and consuming genetically modified crops is still unknown, however many possible and realistic assumptions have been made. A possible dilemma is the harm that these organisms could cause to other organisms in the nature. For an example, the mortality rate of monarch butterfly caterpillars has gone up recently, due to the wind blowing pollen from genetically modified B.t corn to milkweed plants, that the caterpillars consume. A nature study was held in order to find out whether this was true or not, and the results were in fact pointing towards the pollen being the cause of death. There are also countless other victims of genetic engineering, however they cannot be prevented as the toxins that kill the pests are also harmful to other insects. Unfortunately, in order to grow healthy crops without a financial loss, the use of these B.t toxins is essential. Another issue that could arise from this is cross-breeding of these herbicide tolerant crops and the weeds themselves, resulting in a ‘superweed’ that would be immune to these toxins. That could cause in mass destruction of crops and a great financial loss to the farmers, as well as an unnatural new specie. An issue that could arise within the use of GM crops is the strain on the economies of the nations using them. It would be quite expensive to transport the GM foods across the globe, and it would also take some time. Also, the cost of these seeds can be expected to rise due to the technology used to create them. A more developed country and farm could possibly afford the annual cost of these crops, however a less economically developed country cannot. A solution for this problem could be funding the production and research of GM foods. An example of such a funder is the Rockefeller Foundation, who has founded the research and production of genetically modified rice. GM rice would be a very costly process but with the help of funders and other wealthy companies the cost of expense can be reduced. Since the population of already 7 billion is estimated to almost double in the upcoming 50 years, the worlds biggest dilemma at the moment is to find a solution as to how to feed all these people and how our natural resources won’t be all used up. GM crops is one of the many solutions thought to solve this problem, however, like the rest of them, it comes with many different positive and negative aspects. Furthermore, since it is such a new invention, and not a lot of research has been done yet, the effects and consequences are unknown. If the massive population growth could be stalled for a few decades, say by introducing a one-child-policy, then the development of solutions such as GM crops could be completed meanwhile. This would be a really effective way to provide food aid to the peoples of the world, especially Africa, in order to defeat hunger and starvation, and it would also slow down the growth of the population, maybe even declining it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nature of Evil in Othello

The Nature Of Evil In Othello The Nature of Evil in Othello William Shakespeare’s Othello uses different and unique techniques in his language to express the nature of evil throughout the play. Verbal twists and the characters most importantly stress the act of evil. Iago, most of all is portrayed as the â€Å"villain† or â€Å"protagonist in the play. Shakespeare uses this character to set the basis of evil. Each plot point is spiraled further into tragedy due to the nature of Iago and his manipulative language towards the other main characters. Corruption overcomes the Venetian society as Iago uses his crafty skills of deceit. The plan to have Othello turn against the ones he loves is the perfect example of evil’s nature. The power struggle is evident between these two. This situation is the start to Iago’s plan to corrupt the society and take Othello’s place. The root of Iago’s â€Å"evil† is jealousy indeed, in turn changing into a power hungry manipulator. Iago is tired of acting like one â€Å"courteous and knee-crooking knave† like he always appears to be [I. i. 46]. Since Iago is reluctant to choose to be a master, he is the servant that bites off the fame and â€Å"keep yet their hearts attending on themselves,† still showing his service to his master but instead is more self-preserving with no attachments at all towards the master [I. i. 52]. Irony is used diligently in Shakespeare’s unique language style. Referred by Othello as â€Å"honest Iago†, the irony is very evident in this title. Iago is everything but honest but this proves how easily led and manipulated Othello is. The traits Iago possess are unexpected to a normal villain. He comes across as charming and smart, he can also be referred to a wolf in sheep’s clothing. For example, he knows Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and figures that he would do anything to have her as his own. Iago says about Roderigo, â€Å"Thus do I ever make my fool my purse. † [I iii. 355,] By playing on his hopes, Iago is able to conjure money and jewels from Roderigo, making himself a profit, while using Roderigo to further his other plans. He also thinks stealthy on his feet and is able to improvise whenever something unexpected occurs. When Cassio takes hold of Desdemona's hand before the arrival of the Moor Othello, Iago says, â€Å"With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. † [II, i, 163] This language demonstrates the evil inside Iago’s goals of retrieving absolute power. He actually even says of himself, â€Å"I am an honest man†¦. † [II, iii, 245]    Iago slowly corrupts the character’s thoughts, creating ideas in their minds without implicating himself. His â€Å"medicine works! Thus credulous fools are caught†¦. † [II, i, 44] â€Å"And what's he then that says I play the villain, when this advice is free I give, and honest,† [II, iii, 299] says Iago. In turn, people rarely stop to consider the fact that old Iago could be deceiving and manipulating them; yet they are convinced that he is â€Å"Honest Iago. † From these quotes from â€Å"Othello† it is proven that the dialogue used between Iago and the others is manipulative causing an evil outcome. Iago’s complexity in character grows as the play comes closer to a conclusion. The tricky and crafty way Shakespeare uses the evil in Iago is to make him seem amoral as opposed to the typical immoral villain. At the climactic end of the play, Iago's plot and plan is given away to Othello by his own wife, Emilia. Iago kills his wife seeing her as a non entity to his vicious foresight. He kills her not out of anger but for more pragmatic reasons. She served no purpose to him anymore and she can now only hurt his chances of keeping the position he has been given by Othello. Iago's black hearted taking of Emilia's and Roderigo's lives is another proof of his amorality. The root of all evil stems from some would say money, but in this case it is power. To drive Iago to get the power he wants, he is fueled by jealousy. The way jealousy affects the other characters is uncanny. Othello is led down the same path as Iago which is exactly what he wants. The other characters all play off Iago’s misfortunes in turn making Iago’s manipulative plan a success. â€Å"Divinity of hell! When devils will their blackest sins put on, they do suggest at first with heavenly shows, as I do now. †(II, iii, 348) This is the first quote that it is evident Iago is jealous. He is the voice of jealousy in its entirety, giving way to the evil deeds that drive the play. There is a counter argument to the fact whether Iago is truly â€Å"evil.    In Richard Grant’s, Studies in Shakespeare, describes the dual aspects of the character of Iago, whose external demeanor is characterized by warm sympathy for his friends and apparent trustworthiness among his peers, but whose real and inner nature is amoral, heartless, and entirely self-interested. The fact that Iago was the youngest out of the group of characters, Grants theory on Iago’s evil nature i s that he adapted it by consciously adopting it. â€Å"Brave, and a good soldier, he was also of that order of ability which lifts a man speedily above his fellows. His manners and his guise were of a dashing military sort; and his manner had a corresponding bluntness, tempered, at times, by tact to a warm-hearted effusiveness, by the very tact which prompted the bluntness. † [Grant: Studies in Shakespeare, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886, pp. 258-79] Grants theory can twist the minds of what Iago has always been thought of to be. The typical villain is taken as something else in this scenario. Being in the military, in is in Iago’s nature to make his way to the top. His actions may not have been particularly â€Å"evil†, but yet understood. Another excerpt from Grants theory, â€Å" All the principal personages of the tragedy, Desdemona and Cassio included, thus regard him; although Cassio, himself a soldier, is most impressed by Iago's personal bravery and military ability. In speaking of him, he not being present, the lieutenant calls him the bold Iago, and in his presence says to Desdemona that she may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar,† [II. i. 75, 165-66] [Grant: Studies in Shakespeare, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886, pp. 234] further explains how the soldier instinct in Iago has replaced his demeanor rather than â€Å"evil. The sheer importance of the character Iago is immense. The theory of Iago being â€Å"evil† or just jealous of a military position is up for debate. The interesting fact about Shakespeare’s characters is the relation they have in real life. As Grant explains, â€Å"In Iago Shakespeare has presented a character that could not have escaped his observat ion; for it is of not uncommon occurrence except in one of its elements, utter unscrupulousness. But for this, Iago would be a representative type, representative of the gifted, scheming, plausible, and pushing man, who gets on by the social art known as making friends. This man is often met with in society. Sometimes he is an adventurer, like Iago, but most commonly he is not; and that he should be so is not necessary to the perfection of his character,† [Grant: Studies in Shakespeare, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886, pp. 205] you can see the relations Iago has to a specific stereotype of a person in the real world. In another excerpt, â€Å"Thus far Iago's character is one not rare in any society nor at any time. Yet it has been misapprehended; and the cause of its misapprehension is the one element in which it is peculiar. Iago is troubled with no scruples, absolutely none. He has intellectual perceptions of right and wrong, but he is utterly without the moral sense. He has but one guide of conduct, self-interest. [Grant: Studies in Shakespeare, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886, pp. 205] Grant explains how Iago is just lacking moral sense. He may not in fact be â€Å"evil† at all. He can simply just be greedy and envious in result of not gaining the position in the military. â€Å"Iago, however, had no thought of driving Othello to suicide. Far from it. Had he supposed the train he laid would have exploded in that catastrophe; he would at least have sought his end by other means. For Othello was necessary to him. He wanted the lieutenancy; and he was willing to ruin a regiment of Cassios, and to cause all the senators' daughters in Venice to be smothered, if that were necessary to his end. But otherwise he would not have stepped out of his path to do them the slightest injury; nay, rather would have done them some little service, said some pretty thing, shown some attaching sympathy, that would have been an item in the sum of his popularity. There is no mistaking Shakespeare's intention in the delineation of this character. He meant him for a most attractive, popular, good-natured, charming, selfish, cold-blooded and utterly unscrupulous scoundrel. † (pp. 333-34) [Grant: Studies in Shakespeare, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886, pp. 205] This excerpt further explains Iago’s nature being exactly how Shakespeare intended yet a little different than what the average reader would think of him. The nature of evil is strictly evident as the play comes to an end, yet it is viewed as an opinion or a theory whether Iago is truly â€Å"evil. † Ironically, Iago’s words speak louder than his actions, proving how legitimate Shakespeare’s use of language for the character was. This dynamic use of language is significant because it can alter the thought of the reader whether Iago was truly evil or just using military tactics to better him. Iago and his use of language set the main plot for every characters outcome.

Compare Plath and Larkin Essay

Compare and contrast the ways in which death is portrayed in Philip Larkin’s poem ‘Days’ and ‘Ambulances’ and Sylvia plath’s ‘Lady Lazarus’ and ‘Death and Co’ The poems i am going to analyse are: †¢Lady Lazarus †¢Death and Co †¢Ambulances †¢Days It is understatement to say that both Sylvia Plath and Philip Larkin have immense depth and subsidiary meanings to their poems, both writers expertly structure their poems and used varied techniques to convey their themes of death and instil their messages to their readers. Plath goes about it an autobiographical manner and parades death as a theatrical show leaving the audience in shock and awe however Larkin presents death in a rather trivial manner in comparison to Plath. He juxtaposes the everyday street scene with horrific. He uses the ambulance as a momentary that death is every present and our lives ultimately lead to the journey of death. The oxymoron Lady Lazarus is significant to the poem. Lazarus, originally a man who is raised from the dead by Jesus is feminised and turned into Lady Lazarus. Plath summarises what she feels; â€Å"the terrible gift of being reborn†. The alliterative form of address â€Å"Lady Lazarus† liberates herself from the irrevocable influence of the male figure portrays her idea of feminine superiority over men and how women should excel over men in whatever they do however Larkin’s title â€Å"Ambulances† is a noun that is commonly associated with the negative imagery relating to accidents,hospitals ,blood, injuries and most importantly death. Both writers use lexical techniques to convey their outlook and opinion on the theme of death; some of which consists of rhyme, rhetorical devices and their choice of vocab. Rhyme is used in the first stanza as Plath declares â€Å"I have done it again/One year in every ten† she emphasises to the equal repartition of her near-death experiences and holds connotations of her suicide attempts, â€Å"one year in every ten† and one being premeditated at this stage. Plath speaks in hyperboles to emphasize her suicidal intention and her need to control her death and become a â€Å"walking miracle†. The pre modifier â€Å"walking† illustrates the fact that despite her many near death experiences she is still alive and ready as ever to attempt another suicide experience. The uoyant noun â€Å"miracle† that Plath describes herself as, demonstrates to the reader just how romantically Plath thinks of death to be and how her ending her own life is a seemingly phenomenal way of dying. In comparison to this, Larkin contrasts his lexical techniques in oppose to Plath, he begins with the first stanza being a dramatic, alliterative opener. The vehicles are â€Å"Closed like confessionals† and are â€Å"giving back none of the glances they absorb†; like a corpse. The alliterative statement â€Å"closed like confessionals â€Å"illustrates the Roman Catholic idea of confessing sins to a priest in a â€Å"closed† box. This also outlines the poems religious nature and demonstrates to us the religious idea of death which connotes it of being like a â€Å"closed† off box – a coffin. This also depicts the closed off nature of death and how once a person dies everything, they are sealed off from the world, an end to everything. Larkin uses enjambment to emphasize the disconnection between people and death throughout the poem. In the first two lines, the lack of punctuation ironically causes the reader to stop at the end of each line. This symbolises the separation between the ambulance, and the city it is travelling through, as well as the â€Å"glances† the ambulance takes in. In the fourth stanza, Larkin uses enjambment in five out of the six lines, demonstrating the isolation of death throughout society. Specifically in the last three lines and into the last stanza, Larkin reveals that what unites one another across the years, at last falls apart there (in the ambulance and at the hospital), while connecting all four of those lines. Vocabulary is also an element used by Plath to depict death; her language register is bold and informal. The vocabulary and rhythms make out the conversational speeches within the poem and make them out to be colloquial and everyday spoken, the frequently end-stopped lines, the repetitions which have the effect of mockingly counteracting the violence of the meaning, all establish the deliberately dismissive note of death which Plath strives to achieve.. At times the tone is hysterically strident and demanding: â€Å"unwrap me hand and foot— The big strip tease. Gentlemen, ladies These are my hands My knees. Iambic pentameter is also used in Lady Lazarus because it mimics the rhythm of conversational speech and makes it closer to spontaneous speech. This also highlights Lady Lazarus aural quality as it is meant to be read aloud which emphasizes it rhetorical intensity and perhaps the power that Lady Lazarus has gained throughout the poem â€Å" I am your opus I am your valuable The pure gold baby† The spontaneous structure of the poem emphasises the emotional and physcological disintegration of Lady Lazarus and how she speaks spontaneously out of pain that she is feeling form her suicidal attempts On the contrary, Larkin also used five groups of six lines of poetry (sestet) of iambic trimeter and roughly–there are some irregularities, a, with the first and last lines of each sestet rhyming, and the middle rhyming â€Å"a–b-a-b† like a ballad. The second stanza, only the first and last lines have been ended with punctuation leaving everything in the middle flowing. The â€Å"women in the shops† are detached from the â€Å"Wild white face† inside the ambulance. The third stanza all ends with punctuation, excluding the first line. This one exception is very isolated within the stanza as it is the only line left to flow. The flow emphasizes that the â€Å"solving emptiness† is not an obvious encounter which we face every day. The â€Å"solving emptiness†, a description of death, â€Å"lies just under all we do,† not exposed. Moreover, Plath employs and uses unique language features to express her emotion; â€Å"soon, soon the flesh/the grave cave†¦ † repetition is used to emphasise her point across to the audience, she also repeats â€Å"soon† twice to comfort the audience as well as herself; this also correlates to Plath’s idea of death and how it is a welcoming experience not to be terrified by, something that makes her feel â€Å"at home†. To the readers and audience itself it is something disorientating and a lonely discomforting concept, but to Plath and her persona Lazarus, it is something they embrace with open arms and are anticipating it â€Å"soon†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ However, Larkin goes about his language features differently; so much so that Larkin hardly uses devices such as repetition, exclamation , but rather settles for an indirect approach to his language, the only apparent use of language feature is the distinctive italic fronted text â€Å"poor soul† ,this highlights and emphasises the point Larkin wishes to make and also is his idea od the reaction given to the audience and the reader. This again relates to Larkin’s idea of death and his opinion being in total contrast to Plath. For Larkin, death is a dreadful thing, a cold, merciless, selfish thing and when death strikes it only can be described for the prey of death as â€Å"poor† which Larkin does, to have pity on those death has taken. †Soul† has In Lady Lazarus the audience are the spectators watching the performer show off her daring acts in order to prepare her to die. She in other words entertains the audience by producing her own death in a rather erotic manner. The audience is shown the grim reality of death through the pre-modifier ‘peanut-crunching’. This illustrates to the reader just how engrossed the audience is in watching Lady Lazarus attempt her suicide and are absorbed in the strangeness of her death and robotically carry on ‘crunching’ on their peanuts oblivious to just how dismal the death of Lady Lazarus is . Showmanship is portrayed through the use of first person â€Å"I† throughout the whole poem and the audience seems to develop a â€Å"charge† from the gothic striptease Lady Lazarus puts on for them or perhaps a charge the audience have to pay for watching. Using the metaphor â€Å"charge† gives connotations of the audience wanting a show, watching â€Å"Lady Lazarus† unwrap herself ,restored to life â€Å"The big strip tease† indicating sexual connotations of the audience being largely male and receiving some sort of sexual fulfilment from this. Plath also portrays her rather freakish desire for death by questioning the audience directly â€Å"O my enemy/ do I terrify? † The vocative â€Å"O† along with the possessive pronoun â€Å"my† directly challenges the audience as if the audience are somewhat responsible for the suicidal state that Plath is now in, intimidating them as she challenges them. The â€Å"O my† could also be taken as a form of loving address to her lover. If put next to ‘enemy’ it reflects her feelings about death as if it I something to long and lust for however death is all something that is utterly terrifying at the same time as it is a mystery to all of us. It also adds a sense of awkwardness throughout the poem as the reader begins to wonder about death and what appears in the afterlife. The audience also feels partly responsible for Plath’s terrible state and are also blamed for causing her death in such a manner. The rhetorical question â€Å"do I terrify† not only involves the audience directly, but also threatens the audience rather mockingly as if the answer to the question should be nothing but a yes. The verb â€Å"terrify† portrays Plath’s dual state, just like the Nazis she will not hesitate to inflict pain upon herself in order for her to die yet just like the Jewish race she fades beneath a strong force as she begins to doubt whether she is capable of ending her life. This again increasingly adds to awkward uncomfortable nature as audience beings to wonder what kind of miserable state she will be left in when she dies. However the audience in â€Å"Ambulances† are the people (mainly middle class) that are around where the death has taken place. They are the â€Å"children strewn on steps† and â€Å"women coming from the shops†. Here the normality of life trivialises the horror of death as ordinary people carry on living their life. They are watching horrifically as the body comes in. The audience here is rather sympathetic and empathise with the person that has just died. â€Å"Poor soul/they whisper at their own distress†. Using the verb â€Å" â€Å"whisper† Larkin wishes to portray how the audience not only whispers out of remorse, pity and respect for the person that has just died but also whisper because they feel a sense of relief and thankfulness that the person that has just expired was not themselves or their loved one. Here Larkin shows us the selfish nature of man and how man despite everything shall always care about them; in essence leaving everybody walking on their own. Through this Larkin shows us how death is, death shall leave every person unaccompanied and everyone shall be no one. Death is selfish and when the appointed time, death shall not wait and indeed â€Å"All streets in time are visited†. The visitor being death personified through the use of a vehicle, the Ambulance. The ambulance here is death. And Larkin portrays the randomness of death and how unexpected it can be by the use of the preposition â€Å"in† and the noun â€Å"time†. Here Larkin reminds the reader than death is inevitable and is always there, a god like figure. Larkin also presents the idea that the audience, the â€Å"onlookers† forgot about death yet are reminded when a death appears around their life and the â€Å"fastened doors recede†. The audience are perhaps morbidly fascinated by death as it appears strange to them but then the audience then begins to realise the â€Å"emptiness/That lies under all we do† and for a moment the audience understands that life has only one certainty; death. The title of the poem Death & Co title is an etymological, lexical technique in itself and is employed by the writer to change the perception of the reader, for the reader to be open minded and to grasp the writers idea. The â€Å"co† referred to in the title refers to a business which begins to establish the ironic and mocking mood of the poem,. Death is often viewed with incongruity, something that coldly takes away life yet offers comfort to those who are in pain or believe in an afterlife. This again links to the idea of death being a business because the persona asserts that â€Å"there are two† referring to the two individuals that make up the entity called â€Å"Death and co†. To the persona it is â€Å"perfectly natural† that there are two people because a business must be compromised of at least two people. In Death & Co the persona asserts that, â€Å"there are two,† personifying death the two individuals who make up the entity called Death & Co. She comments that it is natural that there would be two, as most companies are made up of at least two people. The individual â€Å"exhibits // birthmarks,† and the speaker proclaims that they are â€Å"his trademark. † This claim subsumes the title of the poem, metaphorically revealing the business which is â€Å"Death & Co. By doing this the ide of death is bought closer to the persona as it now becomes a threat that is visible and is standing before the narrator. † Sibilance is used to describe the trademark â€Å"the scald scar of water†. The effect of the assonance is that it creates harsh violent sound and emphasises the cruel and punitive nature of the partners in Death & Co. Larkin however does not use his metaphoric objectified technique in the title but rather from within the poem itself. In the second stanza Larkin uses the â€Å"priest† and the â€Å"doctor† as symbols of different sentiments and values of â€Å"death†. The priest being a man of religion and the doctor symbolic to a man of science who both serves in â€Å"solving that question†; two people obsessed with the mystery of death appears after the question has been solved. The â€Å"priest† coat is black which represents death and he helps the person from moving from this life to the next. The â€Å"Doctor† coat is white which represents life as the doctor tries to revive the person. This again has connotations of conflict between science and religion Plath begins by using repetition of numbers â€Å"two of course there are two†. She is reasserting that death has come in two living forms before her. One of them looking grotesque, â€Å"whose eyes are lidded† and the other is attractive having â€Å"long and plausive† hair yet dangerous . She does this to juxtapose the idea of life and death, the fact that two mortal creatures are bring about her lifeless state. The two figures create a sense of fear within her as she finds it difficult to name the two. â€Å"he tells me how badly/He tells me how sweet†. The repetition of Second person pronouns and the juxtaposition of her divergent feelings towards death emphasises how at times death appears inviting and perhaps more easier alternative to life difficulties yet the sheer fact of suicide perhaps restrains her form ending her life as the fear of the unknown in the afterlife haunts her . Which perhaps emphasizes her fearful yet unrecognisable feelings towards death. She fears death and the reader can see that Plaths posseses a frightened predatory victimised outlook on death so she cannot find a specific name to address them as or perhaps there is no personal attachment to death as death is metaphorically recognised as a business, it performs it function and then leaves. On the other hand Larkin uses the same rhetorical feature of repetition but in a rather different manner. Days are repeated three times in the first stanza and this repetition forces the reader to think about the meaning of the word â€Å"days† which is the futility of existence ,the inevitable truth that all life must end in death. The reader is compelled to think about what would happen after the days has ended. Larkin gives day a spatial dimension as he describes days as â€Å"Days are where we live†. This raises about how time is measured the nature of it and its artificiality. Days are not a place,not a â€Å"where† but a when and it is in this paradox that leads to the blank response to the second question. †Where can we live but days†. From this question the answerer is now question themselves as they come to realise the inevitable truth behind days ,there is a lack of choice to the answer and the answerer realises that on the other side of dyas is the night which holds high connotations of death and the afterlife something which clearly fright and perhaps intrigues the answerer Once a person no longer has any days left to live in,the only other place that a person can occupy will be a place in his grave The use of a voice or persona is clearly present in both poem’s although again both poets use this craft differently to suit their own methods of portraying death. Larkin does not clearly portray the identity of the voice or the voices the reader perceives in â€Å"Days† however what we do know is that there is a clear distinction bewtween the voice that asks the questions and the voice that answers the questions. The questions that questioner asks are literally simple,naive and appear to be that of a child asking questions rather simple questions. Of course the underlying meaning which lies behing these unpretentious questins is the metaphor of death in the background. The second voice appears to be different and fluctuates throughout the development of the poem. This voice appears to be the answerer to the questions that are asked and answers the question in a rather straightforward manner . The answer to the first question: â€Å"Days are where we live† denotes a matter of fact, mollifying tone as the simple question is answered by an equally simple although equally worrying answer. At first the voice appears to be kindly positive reassuring the childish questioner that days â€Å"are to be happy in† which again holds connotations of death. It tells the questioner and the reader also that the inevitability of death is true so we should live our lives while we have it and enjoy and â€Å"be happy† within it. In the second stanza the answerer adopts a worldly macabre tone almost mocking and cruel as it dryly observes that the only place people can inhibit apaprt from days is death. the questioner is trying to find a simple answer and uses the filler â€Å"ah† to contemplate on what happens after days,the question become a lot of bigger then it initially seemed and the answerer realises there is no simplistic way to answer it and so the â€Å"preist† and â€Å"doctor† are suppousedly the only people that hold the answers to the question However Plath uses two male persona in her poem to portray death and reveal the double or schizophrenic nature of death. The use of male persona’s was chosen deliberately to emphasise the painful awareness of man’s seemingly innate Judas quality just as death can be cruel and snipe away happiness at the last moment.

Saab Scania Case

It can be inferred from the case that the work group design in engine assembly department has caused a high turnover ratio, has uninterested younger work force and absenteeism opted to re-design assembly jobs. The current dilemma for the Saab Automobile is whether they should go for product line design or continue with the group design to all the other assembly departments. Our objective is to decrease the turnover ratio, increase productivity and to improve motivation among young force which is currently prevalent in the work environment. The current productivity is 36 engine per hour which is much below the US counterparts.Thus, there is a need to increase it to a comparable level. We think that rather than going with the group design approach, we intend to follow a modified group design across all departments. Firstly, we need to segregate all the activities across the four departments based on the nature/similarity of the job. Secondly, employee profiling need to be done which wo uld categorize based on their willingness to work across similar jobs or the same specific jobs. Now people who are interested to work across similar jobs would be given periodically an option to switch between jobs which might be across departments also.This would in turn increase employees’ job engagement, job belongingness and job rotation. Employees would now not get bored of their monotonous jobs and will find a point of motivation and interest. Employees who like doing the same job or are not so much interested in switching jobs would be allowed to do so. All these decision will trickle down to the long term hiring strategy of profiling employees based on their willingness to work across jobs at the very initial level of recruitment.This should decrease the dissatisfaction and the boredom that was getting created among them. Once employees start to connect with the jobs then the 20% of absenteeism mentioned in the case would decrease drastically. Also, it will increase the number of young minds in the industry as a whole. On the flip side, people will find it difficult to accept the change instantly. After few rotations it may again become monotonous and cause boredom among employees. It may also cause resentment among employees in the initial stage. Saab Scania Case It can be inferred from the case that the work group design in engine assembly department has caused a high turnover ratio, has uninterested younger work force and absenteeism opted to re-design assembly jobs. The current dilemma for the Saab Automobile is whether they should go for product line design or continue with the group design to all the other assembly departments. Our objective is to decrease the turnover ratio, increase productivity and to improve motivation among young force which is currently prevalent in the work environment. The current productivity is 36 engine per hour which is much below the US counterparts.Thus, there is a need to increase it to a comparable level. We think that rather than going with the group design approach, we intend to follow a modified group design across all departments. Firstly, we need to segregate all the activities across the four departments based on the nature/similarity of the job. Secondly, employee profiling need to be done which wo uld categorize based on their willingness to work across similar jobs or the same specific jobs. Now people who are interested to work across similar jobs would be given periodically an option to switch between jobs which might be across departments also.This would in turn increase employees’ job engagement, job belongingness and job rotation. Employees would now not get bored of their monotonous jobs and will find a point of motivation and interest. Employees who like doing the same job or are not so much interested in switching jobs would be allowed to do so. All these decision will trickle down to the long term hiring strategy of profiling employees based on their willingness to work across jobs at the very initial level of recruitment.This should decrease the dissatisfaction and the boredom that was getting created among them. Once employees start to connect with the jobs then the 20% of absenteeism mentioned in the case would decrease drastically. Also, it will increase the number of young minds in the industry as a whole. On the flip side, people will find it difficult to accept the change instantly. After few rotations it may again become monotonous and cause boredom among employees. It may also cause resentment among employees in the initial stage.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Brief: This book is one of â€Å"Four Great Classical Novels† of Chinese literature; it is the first river novel writes by chapters in China . It is a Chinese historical novel based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era of China, starting in 169 and ending with the reunification of the land in 280. The whole book has 120 chapters, and a total of 800,000 words and 1,798 dramatic characters and nearly 40 battles. The story begins with the end of Eastern Han Dynasty. The government becomes extremely corrupt on all levels, leading to widespread deterioration of the empire. During the reign of the penultimate Han emperor, Emperor Ling, the Yellow Turban Rebellion breaks out under the leadership of Zhang Jiao; And finishes with the early Western Jin Dynasty, the three regimes return to a unified national. During those 100 years, there were many conflicts among the various warlords and nobles, then the three kingdoms were appeared on the stage of the history, we cal l them ——Cao Wei (Cao Cao), Shu Han (Liu Bei, Zhuge liang), Eastern Wu (Sun Quan). This book focuses on describing the three countries competing for the land, people, people in the process, there are many scenes of great wars, and ups and downs in the story as if it can help people back to thousands of years ago where a bloody battlefield, to give readers a thrilling sense of deep. The wits of the strategy of heroes in the book is very fascinating, whether it is good ideas, or intrigue, all of them are make readers feel the great wisdom and wonderful imagination of our ancient. There are many main characters in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, however the main focus is on the hero, Liu Bei(Shu Han), who is a distant relative of the reigning family. The story opens up with the decline of the Han Dynasty, the ruling dynasty of all of China for the past 400 years. As the royal throne begins to crumble and lose power, a rebellious cult arises that brings together wonderful and terrible generals to fight off the rebellious menace. This sets the stage for the heroes of the Han army to make a name for them and to gain power. As the story unfolds over many, many chapters, the throne eventually loses all power and is basically controlled by one of its ministers, a former hero of the rebellions, Cao Cao. He ends up being the villain of the story as he forms the Wei kingdom that manipulates the throne and the Emperor for personal gain. In fact,the 70% of the story is real history, and the other 30% is besides unofficial historical records, folk stories and Sanguozhi Pinghua(another historical book about Three Kingdoms), some were created by the author on his own. So I want to show you two differences between the stories of the real history. Hua Rong Dao(a name of place) Story In the book, it described that Guan Yu intercepted Cao Cao on the Hua Rong Dao after Cao Cao loss the Chi Bi War. And at that time, Guan Yu had very high chance to kill Cao Cao. If that, it won`t happen the situation that there are three countries. But Guan Yu remembered out some past and liberated Cao Cao finally. He lost the chance. But in the reality, the person who went to intercept Cao Cao is not Guan Yu. While it`s Liu Bei. And it`s too late when Liu Bei got there. So Cao Cao run away. This story is mainly in order to play down Cao Cao and set up the perfect image of Guan Yu. Zhou Yu Story In the book, Zhuge Liang angered Zhou Yu three times and Zhuge Liang died finally. In the reality, Zhou Yu is smarter than Zhuge Liang. For example, the strategy of Chi Bi is thought out from Zhou Yu, not Zhuge Liang. At that time, Zhou Yu even didn’t pay attention to Zhuge Liang. They have less chance to meet each other. From Chi Bi War to two years after Zhou Yu’s death, Zhuge Liang were doing the logistics and had no chance to see Zhou Yu. Even in the memorial meeting, the representative of Shu Country is Pang Tong, not Zhuge Liang. The course of death of Zhou Yu is overwork. The preferred country of author is Shu country. And the most preferable people of author is Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. So at here, the author played down Zhou Yu and enhances the image of Zhuge Liang. When I was a middle school student, my father asked me to read this book, but it was hardship and boring for me, I just read it without thinking. But now I like it better with age, I love Cao Cao’s cunning, Guan Yu’s loyalty, Zhuge Liang’s extremely intelligent; I love Lu Bu’s single-minded, I love Zhao Yun’s brave, Zhang Fei’s impulse. All of them are vivid and interesting. I think the biggest advantage of this book is that everybody can learn something from it. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms,there are a lot of knowledge about military science, psychology, science of resourcefulness, public relations, science of personnel and so on. The schemers of the three kingdoms use various sorts and varieties of knowledge to help their lord to win the wars and earn the lands. And by reading this book, I realized that a lot of truth in life, for example, in this book the author always stressed a sentence: ‘This world will separate after long time united. Also it will do the opposite after long time of plighting. ’ This sentence has been verified many times in Chinese history after that. And in China, we have many Chinese proverbs in use today are derived from the novel, like â€Å"Three reeking tanners (are enough to) overcome one Zhuge Liang. † The meaning is three inferior people can overpower a superior person when they combine their strength. Because Zhuge Liang was very smart, but if we can make us unity, we can overcome Zhuge Liang. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is definitely a challenging book, but is really a hidden treasure as most people who interested in Eastern culture. Mainly being a popular book in the Asian countries, it is a great book for those that enjoy historical fiction books with a twist of fantasy or for those that enjoy war/strategy novels. This is a great book and is highly recommended for anyone looking for something different to read.

Describe the different forms of disguise and deception that feature in Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’

For this essay I shall try and describe the different forms of disguise and deception which appear in ‘Twelfth Night'. The elements of both disguise and deception are both very important to the play, they bring confusion between the characters which add to the comical tones of the play. The main thought that we, the reader think of would be Viola's physical disguise as a male ‘Cesario' which is one of the central plots that contribute to the comedy of the play. The thought of a male dressing up as a female (and vice versa) is increadibly funny to us today. This would work especially well on a stage, where the full impact of seeing someone trying to accumulate the characteristics of the opposite gender would hit the audience. Yet, because in Shakespeare's day, the female parts were played by boy actors, the original Elizabethan audience would have found a special sophistication in the part of Viola – which would have been a boy, dressing up as a woman, who in the play dresses up as a man. As confusing as it may seem, it does enable the audience to understand more of the situation when either Olivia or Orsino are on stage. It is also these situations which cause a lot of disruption and confusion which make up the plot. In ‘Twelfth Night' disguise and deception are the key feature in the more comical scenes. A good example of this is the humiliation of Malvolio, who is unknowingly decieved into thinking that Olivia is in love with him by Maria, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew Aguecheek. The audience would have found this hilarious in Shakespeare's day because Malvolio embodied all the attributes of a solem strict puritan, which the fun loving Elizabethan audience hated. There is no real sympathy felt for Malvolio at all in the play because of this, and the audience would have seen the mistreatment of Malvolio as their own retribution for how the puritans controlled their lives. Malvolio is further humiliated a few scenes later when Feste (The Clown) dresses up as Sir Topaz, the Curate, and taunts the Emotionaly drained and locked up Malvolio. Whilst Malvolio was a good figure for deception, another good example would be Sir Andrew Aguecheek who is tricked both into also believing that he as well has a chance with Olivia and also Being tricked into a duel with ‘Cesario' by Sir Toby. However when Sebastian comes on the scene, he is mistaken for ‘Cesario' by Sir Toby and Sir Andrew, and unlike ‘Cesario', Sebastian wasn't afraid to defend himself, and Sir Toby's plan backfires. While it is easy just to think of how phsyical disguises deceive a person's perception, some of the character's in ‘Twelfth Night' are deceived about their true natures. Viola's disguise as a male ‘Cesario' enables her to work undetected in Duke Orsino's Court as his messenger. ‘Cesario' is drawn into a love triangle and falls in love with Orsinio, yet is somehow happy to ‘Woo' Lady Olivia for him regardless of his/her feelings. However, the play gets even more confusing when Olivia Falls in love with ‘Cesario' and begins to actively persue him. Although the possibility that Olivia may be in love with a woman is more upsetting to the tradtional structure. While Shakespeare's audience excused it as a case of mistaken identity, a modern audience may think it might have been something more. Olivia's attraction lies in the more feminine qualities of ‘Cesario' like his ‘Angry lip' or ‘Beautiful Scorn'. This creates a debate among modern audiences of whether Olivia suspected or maybe even knew ‘Cesario's' true gender, yet chose to love him/her anyway. Here Shakespeare is challenging the status quo as this challenges the traditonal role of the male being dominant in courtship and shows Olivia obtaining the role of ‘The Woo-er'. As a result of this, Viola is unable to express her love for Orsino – for fear of rejection and therefore she is now trapped in a web of deception. Alternitively Viola's Disguise as ‘Cesario' was necessary for her survival to pass undetected in Duke Orsino's court. Another example of a character using disguise as a means for survival is Antonio, who is in hiding from his enemy Duke Orsino and risks his life by helping Sebastian. Some Characters in ‘Twelfth Night' are deceived about their true natures. A good example of this is how Olivia adopts the pretence of mourning for her brother and father's death. Although the audience is unsure whether this is actually a pretence because losing close family members is very traumatic, however Olivia takes this trauma to the extreme and vows that she will mourn for seven years and for that time no one shall see her face. Alternitively, Her feelings may be a pretence that she feels that mourning for that amount of time is the ‘noble' thing to do, or it's what is expected of her. Olivia's true emotions and intentions are disguised behind a pretence, outer appearence or attitude. These same feelings, however are soon discarded when she meets ‘Cesario'. This kind of extreme emotion links very closely to how the Duke Orsino deludes himself that he is in love with Olivia. In the first scene we are introduced to his feelings about Olivia when he is listening to music in his court ‘If music be the food of love,play on- give me excess of it' however his mood soon changes and he makes the music stop. This shows a very fickle side to the Duke and also mirrors how at the end of the play his feelings for Olvivia turn into a murderous rage ‘I'll sacrafice the lamb that I do love, To spite a raven's heart within a dove. ‘ We believe Orsino's deception of his true nature lies in his ‘self love' and he is actually in love with the thought of being in love, rather than for seeking a relationship. Another good example of a character deceiving their true nature is when Malvolio is duped into the role of Olivia's suitor and changes from his old puritanical self into a smiling ‘courtier'. He changes both his appearence and attitude because he thinks he is doing so for Olivia and even Malvolio's yellow stockings and cross garters are a masquerade. The dramatic convention of disguise creates uncertainties of the meaning and emotions throughout the play. A good example would be the lover's in ‘Twelfth Night' who create two purposes. They firstly create humourous misunderstandings, but also challenge us as an audience into what we see in appearences, gender roles and ‘platonic' same sex feelings. With male actors playing the female parts in the play, the idea of having a stable identitiy, may seem as misleading as disguises. However these disguised characters provide a wider significance by giving us a deeper meaning to ponder about what our beliefs and others are actually based upon. The play brings out the true natures of Olivia, Orsino and Malvolio to the surface. However, it is only Malvolio at the end who still seems unsure to recognise himself as he is blinded by his overwhelming pride and self- righteousness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Academic Success in a K-12 classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Academic Success in a K-12 classroom - Essay Example to continue their education even after they have qualified the â€Å"continuing professional development.† Teachers may acquire a lesson plan to facilitate and help the student learning and prepare them for their future life. In short, it is the teacher who molds the personality of his/her students. (Oxford, Pergamon 1985) A teacher has an important and a significant role in facilitating the students in order to ensure their achievement goals and targets. Helping the students to achieve their long-term and short-term goals is an eloquent and rewarding responsibility. Goal setting is a process that actuates a student to stay focused and to prevent them from spending time on distractions. Once the students develop the manner of setting short-term goals they can more easily follow the path of achieving the life they wish to lead. I, in my class, implemented a few strategies which ensured that all the students achieved the objectives. I did so by making the students understand the term â€Å"critical thinking†, because to achieve different goals and objectives, critical thinking is an important factor to be acquired by the students. I implemented several critical reading strategies which would help the students to learn accordingly. This is to show the students how to implement critical reading str ategies. Similarly I also made the students practice critical thinking techniques in their homework so that they could learn from the lectures that were being delivered. Moreover I also had them to contemplate as to how the process of critical reading would affect their own learning and facilitate them in the future projects. Some students seem eager and ardent about learning, but many require their instructors and teachers to motivate and actuate them. A few strategies that I usually brought into practice to encourage the academically weak students to flourish revolved around increasing their self esteem. I provided these students with positive feedback to animate and

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Political science - Essay Example You can not wipe out cronyism and lobbyist influence with these laws, only increase the possibility of subterfuge on the part of those who would influence or be influenced. The reforming of political party financing is an excellent example. Annual contributions from individuals to a registered political party are going to be restricted to $1, 000. This cap will also be placed on those made by corporations, unions, and organizations. This is an excellent plan, in theory, but there are ways to get around it. Does the government have the ability and finances to ferret out the origins of every $1,000 contribution individuals make? If they are not currently capable of patrolling the party’s contributors now, what makes them think that they will be able to in the future. Someone, say a union official, can pay someone else, or several someones, to make contributions and as long as they stay within the proscribed limits, unless it can be proven otherwise through thorough investigation, no law has clearly been broken. These people are still exerting political influence within the confines of the Act. Influence and money are still being applied to the same ends as they were before, even though they are being done legally. In a capitalist country, money will out, and it doesn’t matter how many laws there are in effect, including the banning of secret donations to political candidates, people will be turned to others’ ways of thinking and voting. A considerable number of $499 gifts can be slid under the Federal Accountability Act’s radar under these new rules to finance candidates. And if the people who are trying to enter politics or are currently involved in politics and their parties are not considered to be strictly honest then how can anyone assume that the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner will be any more unimpeachable? Finally, lobbying has always been a

Annotated bibilography on evidence based research-pressure ulcers Essay

Annotated bibilography on evidence based research-pressure ulcers - Essay Example The available literature identifies its risk factors as: physiological alterations, diabetes, low tissue oxygen tension, nutritional deficiency, contractures, and paralysis. This annotated bibliography examines the effectiveness of different treatment and prevention strategies used in hospital settings. The available statistics suggest that the condition mainly affects male adults, and 3-10% of the hospitalized population. The risk of pressure ulcer is also high among neurologically impaired patients, and persons disabled by the spinal cord injuries. According to Mendez (2004) prevention is a key component of managing pressure ulcers, and the presentation of this condition occurs in 4 stages starting with erythema and ending with the infection of the underlying bone or muscle. Stage 1 is characterized by the reddening of the skin while in stage 2, the skin blisters form open sores. In the third stage, a crater is formed while in the final stage, the damages extend to the tendons, joi nts, muscles and bones. Some of the treatment method used include: de-pressurizing of the affected areas, surgical reconstruction, administration of and antibiotics. While treatment of the affected patients should be administered as soon as possible, prevention should be the first priority for the population as risk of this condition. In this regard, patients on bed rest should be checked frequently for pressure sores. Symptoms to watch out for include: red skin, open sores, blisters, foul smells from the ulcers, and swollen skin. For early detection, the caregiver should consider giving the patient a head to toe examination, and should pay close attention to the following areas: buttocks, elbows, hips, heels, ankles, shoulders, and back. For prevention of this condition, persons at risk should change positions once in every 2hours and use appropriate tool to cushion the affected areas. Most importantly, they should eat well balanced meals, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, u se creams to protect the skin and keep the skin dry and clean at all times. Reddy, M., Sedeep, S., & Rochon, P. (2006). Preventing pressure ulcers: A systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(8), 974-984 This article which is written by competent authors seeks to examine the adverse health outcomes and treatment costs associated with pressusre ulcers. The objective of the article is to review the evidence examining interventions to prevent pressure ulcers. The systematic review utilizes sources from the MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL. All the databases are well known for publishing credible article dealing with different medical condition. The search strategy identified 763 citations, of which 59 randomized control trial were selected. As suggested by Moore and Cowman (2007), systematic review should have elaborate schemes to prevent bias, and maximize precision of the data obtained. At the same time, it should have a detailed exclusion and inclusion criteria, use clear research questions and adequately address the challenge of assessing the methodology quality of the selected studies. If possible, the systematic review should depend on current and credible secondary sources. In this case, of the citations identified, 650 were excluded since they were not randomized clinical trials, while 53 did not have adequate information about the outcome measures. The

An Inside Look at the Economic Performance of China in April 2012 Essay

An Inside Look at the Economic Performance of China in April 2012 - Essay Example Recently, the china daily newspaper, reported that the economy is dwindling, a factor that has taken the country by storm, considering that the country has had a booming economic pattern in the last few years. This article looks at the factors that have affected the country’s gross domestic product, and the resultant consequences. According to the china daily, the recently released economic informants have indicated that the country’s economy have continued to slow down throughout the month of April, which has raised concerns that the country’s government will opt to adopt greater policies so that it can ease and help to stimulate the growth of the country’s gross domestic product. 2 The policy makers of the country have resulted to quickly annihilating the industrial production and fixed investment sector, in addition to the disappointing trade figures, factors that have overtaken inflation as the main issues of concern for Chinese policymakers.3 Various factors and measurement tools are used to determine the value of the gross domestic product. These factors are subdivided into four major groups of expenditures. These are consumption, investments, government purchases, and the net exports. However, other means of calculating the gross domestic product include adding up the value of every firm that is involved in the production of final goods and services. In addition, other measures can also be employed such as the total production and the total income.4 According to the China Daily, various risks are associated with this downtrend, which has driven the policy makers to act quickly. According to the analysts, the gross domestic product for the country is expected to reduce in the month of April compared to other months in the year. The reasons for these downward trends are the weak exports and dwindling real estate markets. However, there are other factors that I will analyze, which have caused the economic downtown in the country. These factors are related to consumption, investments, government purchases, and net exports.5 The basic equation for calculating the gross domestic product is GDP=C+I+G+ (X-M), where C represents the private consumption, I represents the gross investments, G represents government spending and (X-M) represents the exports minus imports.6 Production approach In order for China to experience declining economic growth in the in the production sector, a number of reasons can be attributed. One of the major factors is that the country has been experiencing a decline in the number of exports to other countries. As a result, the manufacturers have been hard hit and the ports remain piled due to the low demands of these goods. A major contributor to the low demand of the products is the availability of quality substitutes, which are produced in another country.7 Products such as the mobile phones and the electronic equipment such as the televisions have remained in low demand though the co st of production in the country is low. In addition, the value of the Chinese Yuan has constantly been on the rise due to the recent demand for its products and services. This has made the Yuan appreciate over other currencies such as the Japanese yen, the Australian dollar and the Hong Kong dollar. Consequently, importers from other countries are required to spend more to import this product. The result is that other importers cease buying from China.8 Another reason for

U3 Lab Reprort Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

U3 Reprort - Lab Report Example One area that has been greatly impacted by these advancements is the telecommunications industry. The industry started taking shape in the late 1970s. By the early 1990s, the world was starting to align itself technologically in order to allow for flawless communication. However, telecommunications services were very expensive then, with bulky phones and very limited services that could only support voice communication. Due to technological advancements this has however changed to what we have today: voice, data, text and video exchanges. The driving force behind all these advancements is networking. This is the same story for computer technology as well. The world has increasingly been moving to a point where they can literally use the internet for anything. In the recent years, there has been a huge buzz about cloud computing. The driving force behind this is networking. With regards to these facts, networking therefore plays a major role in determining how well I understand various key concepts in my career and how well I can integrate these concepts to provide networking solutions: something that is very much needful in my career path. Understanding routing concepts, remote network access, Network Address Translation, SSTP, CMAX, including various policies that come with networks will be instrumental in how productive and innovative I will be in my

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing Strategy and Success of Nokia Term Paper

Marketing Strategy and Success of Nokia - Term Paper Example The Finnish company Nokia has gone through significant transformational changes since its inception over 150 years ago. Growing from a small company to a mobile phone manufacturing giant that is today, Nokia has had difficulties in its growth process. Venturing into different industries, Nokia has over time managed to survive through the years. The company has engaged in businesses such as rubber boots manufacturing, car tires manufacturing, and even TV sets (Harms, et al p. 132). Over time, Nokia has grown to become the biggest cell phone manufacturing company it is today connecting over 1.3 billion people globally through its handsets and the recently launched smartphones (Stole 2006, p. 6). Â  The company sells its products in about 150 countries globally and directly employs about 101,982 people in about 120 countries. Despite the company’s success in the cell phone business and its market leadership, it is fast losing to other more innovative and competitive companies su ch as Samsung and Apple. According to Williamson (2012, n.p.) in some of the traditionally markets known as Nokia’s dominant markets such as Europe, its own home country, the company is fast losing to its biggest rival Samsung. The loss of the smartphone business for the company has contributed to the slump in the company’s revenues. The company’s recent reduction in its profitability and revenues can attest to this trend in business (Chikezie 2011, p. 6). In an effort to win back its lost market share, Nokia in 2011 got into a partnership with Microsoft in order to manufacture smartphones running on a windows operating system (Wingfield 2013, web). However, the deal did not pay off much, as Microsoft finally acquired Nokia, hence taking over the business as part of a Microsoft business. This is in a bid to help the company regain its market through different management. However, this proves unlikely, if Nokia’s strategy does not focus on low-end phones.à ‚  

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Homework - Essay Example Mays (2004), makes clear that â€Å"The war affected rich and poor, North and South, black and white† (p.30). From a different angle of view, wartime experiences helped the people to realize the hardships to be faced to gain freedom. Besides, wartime experiences helped the people to provide less consideration to class difference and to unite and fight for a noble aim. Moreover, difference in social status did not hinder the people to fight against injustice in the mainstream society. One can see that the leadership of the American Revolution was fully vested upon the patriots or the farmers. In short, the wartime experiences helped the people in the colonies to realize the importance of social and political freedom. The American Revolution helped the women in the American colonies to play active role in the mainstream society. For instance, Housespun Movement (say, boycotting British goods) was initiated by the women in America. In short, the American Revolution helped the wom en to gain social status and active role in the mainstream society. Most of the slaves in America, especially the African Americans, joined the revolutionaries and fought against the British troops. Besides, some slaves managed to escape from slavery and began to enjoy freedom. In short, American Revolution instilled hope among the slaves. On the other side, most of the natives considered that the British colonizers may help them to regain their land and they joined the British side. This decision proved to be destructive to the native population in America. Summing, the wartime experiences helped the people of America to realize the importance of social and political freedom in the society. Besides, American Revolution helped the women to enter the public domain and helped the slaves to feel positive about their future. On the other side, the American Revolution was not helpful for the natives in America. In short, the

The role of business ethics in the corporate environment Essay

The role of business ethics in the corporate environment - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that business ethics is a part of the corporate governance practices of a business. Ethics is not just an academic, legal or moral aspect but in the long term scenarios of business management, corporate ethics is aimed to be established as the essential behavioural traits and part of the organisational philosophy of a corporation which would further strengthen the brand equity of the company and also ensure stable and sustainable growth for the company in the future years. Also, with time, considerations are made regarding the individual consciousness about the application of business ethics in their work which would help to establish self-regulation as an integral part of ethics and corporate governance. Despite the corporate entities, academic institutions, researchers, scholars and practitioners all over the world focusing on the aspect of business ethics and highlighting its role in conducting a profitable and sustainable business, the realm of ethical problems continue to persist in the corporate environment and as a result of which a number of unethical activities and incidences in the corporate environment is often identified. As a result of this, questions arise as to how far the ethical aspects of business management are actually been integrated into the individual organisational approaches of corporate functions and the global stakeholder groups remain sceptical about the integration and real-life implementation of business ethics within the overall business domain.

Compensation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Compensation Management - Essay Example resentation that was bestowed to them by me on the employment of the compensation system and the way it may advance the overall productivity of the corporate Compensation is the full of all rewards provided to the workers reciprocally for his or her services. The general functions of providing compensation are to draw in, retain, and inspire staff (Tropman, 2001). This includes: Indirect money compensation system that comprises a theme as well as all money rewards that aren’t enclosed in direct compensation and may be understood to create a part of the agreement between the leader and worker like benefits, leaves, retirement plans, education, and worker services I had projected to the corporate management to adopt the indirect money compensation system in enhancing their productivity of the company. The projected compensation system is meant to support the organization’s business strategy and to adapt to the social, competitive, and regulative pressures within the atmosphere (Gibbon, 1978). The eventual purpose is to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. Completely different business ways translate into different compensation approaches. A compensation system is a scheme that is premeditated to establish quantity of pay given the many workers in an organization. A compensation system includes many diverse choice processes, guidelines, and rules for formative pay level and pay arrangement. Here are the different elements of an indirect compensation system. A vital element of each compensation and choice systems, job competency profiles outline in writing the responsibilities, needs, skills, functions, duties, location, atmosphere, conditions, and different aspects of jobs. Descriptions could also be developed for jobs separately or for entire job families (Daft, 2007). Job analysis techniques embody the utilization of interviews, questionnaires, and observation. Job analysis could be a system for comparison jobs for the aim of crucial acceptable

Bilingual Tesol Classrooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Bilingual Tesol Classrooms - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that expert teachers have a wide-ranging base of experience with which to instruct ESL inclusive classrooms and create classroom environments that show a great degree of cross-pollination with the world outside of the classroom.   They are able to teach students concepts that will help them generally as well as having mastered the specific subject materials. Expert TESOL teachers are also better able to relate to students on a level that fosters mutual respect and understanding in creating a learning environment. In their everyday teaching duties, expert teachers show how the subject they are teaching is interrelated to the lives of their students. The existing literature generally supports the notion that there are strategies that the TESOL teacher can use to facilitate the development of ELL in classroom situations, but there are disagreements about how exactly to go about achieving this goal through effective course design in the ELL class room. For the goal, ELLs need to use English to achieve academically†. These goals are seen in the study to be complimentary, in that using English as a social medium can then lead to better acumen and a better chance for the ELL to be able to integrate this into their academic base of knowledge. This source also acknowledges how specifically, the TESOL teacher is going to face issues of diversity in several areas which reflects on course design for this aspect. The diversity that the general education TESOL teacher faces in a situation of accommodating ELL includes their ability to get materials out in other languages so that parents can understand, but it also involves focusing on English in the classroom situation.   Many also point towards bilingual education programs as a reflection of multicultural education and a positive step forward.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

PROJECT PROPOSAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

PROJECT PROPOSAL - Essay Example The ability of the virtual server to keep resources separate is a strong element. Feasibility studies done shows that there is a tremendous advantage with virtualization. Costs, space, resource and skills requirements, company acceptance and cost to benefit appraisals indicate a necessity to move to this technology of cloud computing with single servers. This project intends to begin by eliminating the old one with one server, one application and replace with a multiple virtual computers. This will free IT administrators from spending time on server management instead of engaging in innovations. In addition the project will see a successful transformation of client server operations from uni-servers to multiple servers. The project will require budgetary allocation of computer hardware’s and OS, IT and logistical support staff and space. The project is expected to have all the servers consolidated into one which ultimately aid in data recovery during disasters, save energy and costs. The functions of staff shall be diversified with reduced server functions. The project is also expected to run multiple operating systems, create virtual PC environments, perform and run enterprise applications, built up enterprise desktop management and control. In additional, the virtual systems should be able to construct business continuity by improving disaster recovery solutions and bringing forth excellent availability throughout the data zones. The project is anticipated to be carried out in 3 weeks with the work broken down in logical sequencing maximizing the staff specific skills and ability to work as a team to realize the objectives of the project. All the project stake holders will be communicated to through appropriate and suitable communication channels. Besides, work will be measured through work done against the planned tasks, while costs will be monitored with those budgeted for. These aspects will form the basis for monitoring and evaluating the results a gainst planned outcomes and expectations of the key stakeholders. Case I:Westminster College- A server virtualization project success story Westminster College is a classic case of based server consolidation initiative. This project allowed for disposal of aged servers that were still hosting web applications and were therefore in the process to re-engineering. The idea of new servers purchase was not conceivable hence rethinking of virtualization was imperative. The project manager had great task of assembling resources, doing feasibility studies and fact finding mission of cost benefit analysis of the Westminster college virtualization project. The phase out project greatly intertwined support services with different processes like portal application thus exceeding the time planned for project completion. The project manager had to ensure timely completion of the project. However, intertwined processes delayed actual completion of the exercise. The success of the project was in it s work breakdown, the project manager had a strong desire to transform deliverables without upsetting the budget. The project considerably reduced electrical costs and did not have to reroute all the existing services. To ensure that the project met specifications, phase one roll out formed a basis for configuring other applications. The Westminster Colle